Some truth from Alan Watts
This is a question I often ask, but just as often forget to answer. [youtube] Share This:
This is a question I often ask, but just as often forget to answer. [youtube] Share This:
[youtube] This weekend was about allowing ourselves to be brave, in small ways, by taking ourselves out of our comfort zones of known behaviors, of known skills, of known territory. This was about exploration, and serendipity, about happy accidents, and stolen moments. This, for me, was about strong tea and gluten free cupcakes, waist-high… Read More
I am not sure anything is more beautiful than long shadows on snow. The sky is an insane blue today, so clear, and the sun is low but warm. And I have needed to *make myself pay attention*, get out of my own way, notice the beauty that is right there, right outside my window.… Read More
Starting this morning with a breath. Snow is sparkling through the air. Yes, there is so much to do today for so many people. So much shoveling. So much to get ready for the week. For those of you feeling there is too much to do to really delve into this, I have an invitation… Read More
Between this site and Facebook, we have folks chiming in from New Hampshire, Maine, Alberta, Ontario and Washington State. We even have someone along for the journey from England! I am so happy to hear from you- I love the feeling of shared intention, and the experience of knowing other folks are out there exploring… Read More
Fantasy: I retire to my well-lighted, warm studio with high ceilings, where I also have a comfy chair or two, and a well-stocked fridge. And a tea kettle. I do my work (yoga, paint, write) to the sound of music or birds or silence. I have enough of whatever I need: time, space, energy, stuff.… Read More
Good morning! So here we are, it is morning and there is snow and wind and a day stretching ahead with a 2 year old cooped up in a small apartment and… OY. Oh well, even when it is not ideal, even when there is not much space, creativity needs to anyway!… Read More
Welcome! I’m so happy you’re here! [youtube] As you look ahead to tomorrow– if you have some idea (or no idea) of the new or old thing that you might want to try, here are some resources to get you started: Want to try painting? Not prepared with the “right” stuff? go low-tech and use coffee… Read More
Free Online Campfire, February 8-10 This totally free virtual workshop is about quiet bravery: taking small steps, creating small adventures, allowing ourselves to explore new things. I invite you to join me here on Heartwork for an opening campfire on Friday night, followed by two days of exploring what it is like to try new… Read More
20 minutes long, but so very very worth it. Thanks Lisa for the link! [ted id=1042] Share This: